Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Managing Director

Informasi Perusahaan : Intensif English Course (IEC)
Industri : Pendidikan
Nama kontak : HRD

Deskripsi singkat perusahaan:
Intensive English Course (IEC) is one of the well-know English course in jakarta. There are more than 60 brances all over Indonesia.

Informasi Lowongan

Jabatan : Manajer, Departemen
Fungsi kerja : Manajemen Operasional
Posisi : Managing Director
Lokasi kerja : Jakarta
Jenjang pendidikan : Sarjana/S1
Jurusan : Apa saja
Pengalaman kerja : Paling sedikit 3 tahun
Gaji yang ditawarkan : Tidak disebutkan
Persyaratan :
- Female/male
- S1 degree holder with minimum GPA 3.00
- Good personality, able to work in a teams, highly motivated and good interpersonal skill
- Good command in English
- Age between 30-55 years old
- Should have experienced working in similar position at least for 3 years

Only short listed candidates will be notified

Please send your application letter, CV, a recent photograph, within two weeks to:

Panitia Pemilihan Calon Dirut IEC
Kantor Pusat IEC
Jl. Jatinegara Baratno. 187
Jakarta Timur
Fax. 021-8191161/021-8560394

Tanggal penutupan : 18 Februari 2009

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